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Table 1 Comparison of living cells to electrets, electrostatic machines, permanent and electromagnets

From: A vector-free ECG interpretation with P, QRS & T waves as unbalanced transitions between stable configurations of the heart electric field during P-R, S-T & T-P segments

Comparison of field features

Magnet and electromagnets

Electret and electrostatic machines

Living cells

Stable field maintained without loss of energy

Only in permanent magnets

In electrets due to static bound charges

pH dependent cell protein bound charges

Energy dependent field

Moving electric charges in electromagnets produce magnetic field

In various electrostatic machines temporary electrostatic potentials can be accumulated and discharged

Membrane layered charges depends on ion permeability and ion pumping

Rapid inversion of polarity or rapid depolarization and repolarization

In electromagnets on pulsating or on alternative current

Not easily achieved in electrostatic machines

Electric field is temporary lost and reestablished during action potential

Dipole polarity

Obligatory, there is no magnetic monopole

Usually a dipole configuration that can be reduced to one charge by adequate grounding of one pole

Pericellular electric field is positive or negative, only dipole polarization happens during partial depolarization of excitable cells