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Archived Comments for: The biological sense of cancer: a hypothesis

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  1. Inherited failure is solely in tumour cells

    Sergio Stagnaro, Biophysical Semeiotics Laboratory Research

    12 January 2007

    In a previous comment posted on the BioMedCentral web site (Stagnaro S., Genes and Cancer: a clinical view-point. The Oncological Terrain., I referred to a working hypothesis conceived a long time ago: all chromosomal alterations, of whatever nature, both n-DNA and m-DNA, are necessarily accompanied by similar structural and functional modifications of the local microcirculatory bed in subjects with abnormalities of the pschyco-neuro-endocrine-immune system, i.e. in the biological control system for malignancy that I defined as the Oncological Terrain. In fact, both genetic and environmental factors, e.g. estrogen therapy, induce alterations in the parenchymal and microvascular cells concurrently according to the well-known concept of Tiscendorf’s Angiobiotopie, which I completed with a new concept of Angiobiopathy [1, 2]. Briefly, all cell-dependent oncological events (control, regulation, duplication etc.) may occur only by means of singular changes in the local structural and functional microcirculation, which is well known to supply information-material-energy to related tissue cells (see my web site and particularly the linked site All these pathological events occur only in well-localized sites of the biological system. In contrast, all the other cells that surround the first are perfectly normal. Thanks to Biophysical Semeiotics, we can nowadays evaluate the structure and function of the microcirculatory bed clinically and precisely in breast cancers and all other biological systems, including lymph nodes and bone-marrow, assessing local vasomotility and vasomotion clinically [1-6]. By properly evaluating the type of microcirculatory activation of breast cancer as well as of lymph nodes and bone-marrow (type I, associated, physiological; type II, intermediate, partially dissociated, characteristic of real oncological risk; and finally type III, dissociated, indicating cancer onset), we can quantitatively evaluate alterations in the physiological relationship between vasomotility (= chaotic deterministic oscillations of small arterioles and arterioles, according to Hammersen) on the one hand, and vasomotion (= chaotic deterministic oscillations of related capillary and post-capillary primary venules) on the other, since the intensity of e.g. dissociation is correlated with the seriousness of underlying oncological disorders. 1. Stagnaro S, Stagnaro-Neri M: Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico. Roma: Travel Factory SRL; 2004. Stagnaro S, Stagnaro-Neri M: Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Roma: Ediz. Travel Factory; 2004. 3. Stagnaro-Neri M, Moscatelli G, Stagnaro S: Biophysical Semeiotics: deterministic Chaos and biological Systems. Gazz Med It Arch Sc Med 1996, 155: 125. 4. Stagnaro-Neri M, Stagnaro S: Deterministic Chaos, Preconditioning and Myocardial Oxygenation evaluated clinically with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics in the Diagnosis of ischaemic Heart Disease even silent. Acta Med Medit 1997, 13: 109.5. Stagnaro-Neri M, Stagnaro S: Semeiotica Biofisica: valutazione clinica del picco precoce della secrezione insulinica di base e dopo stimolazione tiroidea, surrenalica, con glucagone endogeno e dopo attivazione del sistema renina-angiotesina circolante e tessutale. Acta Med Medit 1997, 13: 99. 6. Stagnaro-Neri M, Stagnaro S: Deterministic chaotic biological system: the microcirculatoory bed. Theoretical and practical aspects. Gazz Med It Arch Sc Med 1994, 153: 99.

    Competing interests

    None declared
