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Archived Comments for: Utility of a single adjusting compartment: a novel methodology for whole body physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling

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  1. Correction in equations 2-5.

    Hirotaka Ando, Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

    9 September 2008

    Dear readers,

    Equations 2-5 include an incorrect term.

    The correct equations are as follows.

    Equation 2: dCr/dt = (Qr/Vr)(Ca-Cr/Kp,r)-CLrCa/Vr

    Equation 3: dCgi/dt = (Qgi/Vgi)(Ca-Cgi/Kp,gi)-CLgiCa/Vgi

    Equation 4: dClung/dt = (Qtot/Vlung)(Cv-Clung/Kp, lung)

    Equation 5: dCi/dt = (Qi/Vi)(Ca-Ci/Kp,i)

    On behalf of all the authors, I apologise for our error.

    We will publish a correction article soon.


    Hirotaka Ando

    Competing interests

    None declared
