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Table 2 Normal model cytosolic reaction velocities (μM/hr)

From: A mathematical model of glutathione metabolism

Folate Cycle

Methionine cycle


VMTD = -103

VMATI = 125

VCBS = 103

VMTCH = -103

VMATIII = 80.5

VCTGL = 103

VFTS = 552

VGNMT = 61.6

VGCS = 1250

VFTD = 72.8

VDNMT = 144

VGS = 1250

VART = 188

VSAHH = 205

VGPX = 312

VPGT = 188

VMS = 40.2

VGR = 269

VSHMT = 12.1

VBHMT = 61.9


VNE = 58.6


VTS = 133


VDHFR = 133


VMTHFR = 40.3
