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Figure 3 | Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling

Figure 3

From: Multiphysics model of a rat ventricular myocyte: A voltage-clamp study

Figure 3

Isosarcometric contraction. Twitch response - Isosarcometric contraction (A) Modulation of sarcomere length - (i) Steady state F-Ca relationships for increasing SL. (ii) Traces for normalized force with SL varied from 1.8 (+) to 2.3 (∗) μ m in increments of 0.1 μ m. The C a2 + transient responsible for each of the traces is shown in the overlay. The inset shows the rate of relaxation versus rate of contraction for increasing sarcomere length (reciprocal of RT50, time taken for 50% sarcomere relaxation versus reciprocal of TTP, time taken for peak sarcomere contraction). (iii) Phase plots of self normalized force versus instantaneous [C a2 + ] myo for increasing SL overlayed with two steady state F-Ca relationships corresponding to SL = 1.8 (+) and 2.3 μ m (∗). (B) Modulation of Peak [C a2 + ] myo - (i) Steady state F-SL relationships for increasing background [C a2 + ] myo . (ii) Sarcomere length is held constant at 2.3 μ m while the peak [C a2 + ] myo transient is scaled down by decreasing the voltage clamp pulse duration. The traces show the contractile response corresponding to myoplasmic C a2 + transients with peak values 1.1(∗), 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 (∙) μ M. The inset shows the relationship between TD50 (time taken from 50% activation to 50% relaxation) and activator C a2 + . (iii) Phase plots of self normalized force versus instantaneous [C a2 + ] myo for increasing peak [C a2 + ] myo overlayed with a steady state F-Ca relationships corresponding to SL = 2.3 μ m (∗). Model generated data corresponds to an idealized rat ventricular myocyte at 22.5°C.

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