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Figure 3 | Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling

Figure 3

From: A hunter virus that targets both infected cells and HIV free virions: Implications for therapy

Figure 3

Influence of hunter infection rate and fused particle fusion rate on therapeutic efficacy. Each line represents the combinations of hunter infection and fused particle formation rates which yield a particular percent of cell recovery. (A) At default HIV turnover rate. Raising hunter infection rate alone increases recovery faster than raising fused particle production rate alone, but optimal recovery is achieved by increasing both parameters. Recovery increases steeply at lower values and then begins to level off. (B) At high HIV turnover rate (10×default). Fusion rate has very little influence on recovery at low hunter infection rates, but the therapeutic benefit of hunter-HIV fusion improves greatly at high hunter infection rates. The asterisk (*) represents cell recovery at the default combination of parameter values (Table 1).

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